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'Box seats' for elite found at ancient Pergamon amphitheater

Private seating areas with names engraved on them have been found at an 1,800-year-old amphitheater in the ancient city of Pergamon in Turkey's western Izmir province. Excavations have been ongoing at the Pergamon amphitheater-an attraction in the world of archaeology due to its resemblance to Rome's iconic Colosseum-since 2018.

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"Another detail that caught our attention was that Latin names were written in Greek letters. We believe that some people from Italy had a special place in the Pergamon amphitheater." Pirson said the new findings will be exhibited at the Bergama Museum in İzmir, adding that excavation work in the region will conclude this year. Teams have so far found five private seating areas at the Pergamon amphitheater, according to Berlin Technical University researcher İhsan Yeneroğlu. While efforts are still underway to determine the exact size and number, researchers believe the capacity could be at least 25,000 and go up to 50,000, he told Anadolu Agency.