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Global warming threatens critically endangered Taurus frog

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Mert Karış, an expert on herpetology, the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians, said the first member of the species was discovered over 120 years ago in the areas of the Karagöl and Çiniligöl lakes, located in the Bolkar Mountains. Touching on the threats to the species, he pointed to the risk of the drying of lakes and puddles as he underlined that many of the habitats where the population lives dry up from the hot summer towards the September-October period.

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Thanks to climatic and geographical conditions, the fauna of Türkiye is abundant and extremely varied and includes many rare and endemic species. But in Türkiye, as in other parts of the world, such species struggle to survive under various threats such as climate change, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict.