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3 cycling enthusiasts women embarks on inspiring cycling tour across Southeastern Türkiye

A group of amateur athletes from the Adana Bicycle Team (ABIT) set out from Adana to Mardin's Midyat district by car, and then continued their journey by cycling to Şanlıurfa's Siverek district, passing through Mardin and Diyarbakır. The cyclists, Yasemin Öztürk (48 years old), Sevilay Kaygısız (57 years old), and Fatma Altınsoy (53 years old), stayed at the Youth Foundation guesthouse in Şanlıurfa. They plan to complete their tour in Şanlıurfa after passing through Hilvan, and then return to Adana.

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Fatma Altınsoy, who started the tour from Midyat district, stated: "We cycled all the way to Siverek district. It has been a wonderful tour, and the people were very sincere and friendly. It's impossible to describe the people here and their hospitality. It has been a great tour for us; so far, we have covered about 400 kilometers. We have another 100 kilometers to go, and we will head to Şanlıurfa from here. I had such wonderful days and unforgettable moments. We have been on the road for 12 days, and we plan to stay in Şanlıurfa for 3 more days before returning to Adana. If we had more time, we would have continued all the way to Gaziantep. We are planning to do another tour like this next year. Everyone should come and see these places; it's not only about the Western regions, but also about the Southeast. They should come and experience the hospitality of the people here. We left each place we visited with a heavy heart, and I think we will continue to do so."