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Russia to revive 'legendary' Soviet-era car Moskvich after Renault exit

The plant, which Sobyanin said had a "long and glorious history", will be repurposed to produce the Moskvich brand of passenger cars that were last manufactured two decades ago. "The foreign owner has decided to close the Moscow Renault plant. It has the right to do this, but we cannot allow thousands of workers to be left without work. In 2022, we will open a new page in the history of the Moskvich," Sobyanin said on his blog.

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"The foreign owner has decided to close the Moscow Renault plant. It has the right to do this, but we cannot allow thousands of workers to be left without work", Sobyanin said on his blog. "In 2022, we will open a new page in the history of the Moskvich."