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Pro-Palestine activists protest U.S. top diplomat Antony Blinken in U.S. Senate by calling him "Butcher of Gaza"

During his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on his department's budget, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken faced protests from pro-Palestine activists. As Blinken began his speech, a protester in the room stood up with a Palestinian flag and shouted, "Hind Rajab, killed by Israel, was 6 years old. Blinken, you will be known as the butcher of Gaza. You will be known as the killer of innocent Palestinians."

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published May 21,2024

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was protested by pro-Palestine activists during his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about his department's budget.

As Blinken began his speech, a protester in the room stood up with a Palestinian flag and shouted, "Hind Rajab, killed by Israel, was 6 years old. Blinken, you will be known as the butcher of Gaza. You will be known as the killer of innocent Palestinians."

The protester was forcibly removed by police, while another protester held a "War Criminal" banner and chanted, "Blinken is a war criminal."

Despite the interruptions, Blinken waited quietly and then continued his speech after the protests.

6-Year-Old Hind Rajab Pleaded for Her Life for 3 Hours

In February, Israel targeted a vehicle in Gaza. Hind Rajab, 6 years old, was in the vehicle with her relatives and survived the initial attack but was trapped in the vehicle due to an Israeli siege.

Hind Rajab pleaded for three hours with the Palestinian Red Crescent on the phone, saying, "They are all dead, come get me, I don't want to stay here alone. I'm very scared, please send someone to get me." However, due to ongoing Israeli attacks, she could not be rescued.

Twelve days later, after Israeli forces withdrew from the area, the vehicle was found with the lifeless bodies of Hind Rajab, her uncle, his wife, and their three children.

The news of Hind Rajab's passing sparked a worldwide reaction, garnering considerable notice and disapproval.