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Sariyer man's miraculous survival after falling off cliff | Sariyer man survives cliff fall by rationing water for 5 days

R.K. endured a harrowing ordeal after plummeting off a cliff in Sarıyer, where he remained stranded for five agonizing days before his eventual rescue. On Thursday, a group of picnickers stumbled upon R.K., and it came to light that he had survived by carefully rationing the limited water he had with him throughout his ordeal.

Agencies and A News TÜRKIYE
Published October 05,2023

A Sariyer man, R.K., endured a harrowing ordeal after falling off a cliff and waiting for five days before being rescued by a group of picnickers.

On Sunday, October 1st, R.K. ventured into the forest area in the Garipçe Village to retrieve water from a natural source. He tragically slipped and plummeted several meters, severely injuring his legs. Unable to move and without a means to communicate, R.K. found himself in a dire situation.

For five days, R.K. remained immobile at the location where he had fallen, relying solely on the limited water supply he had with him. His salvation came when two individuals, who had come to the area for a picnic, noticed someone lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection, they discovered R.K. and immediately alerted the gendarmerie when he pleaded for assistance.

A coordinated effort involving health professionals, the fire brigade, and gendarmerie personnel was launched to rescue R.K. Medical teams administered vital first aid, but due to the challenging terrain, a zodiac boat from the Coastal Police was requested to facilitate the operation.

Once safely transported to the boat, R.K. was brought to the shore and subsequently transferred to the hospital. Fortunately, it was determined that R.K., despite suffering fractures in his legs, was not in a life-threatening condition. An investigation is underway to ascertain the circumstances surrounding this incident.