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Laylat al-Miraj to be observed on January 26

Laylat al-Miraj, marking Prophet Muhammad's ascension to Allah, will be observed on Sunday, January 26. This sacred night is followed by the start of Ramadan on March 1, with Ramadan Bayram scheduled for March 30.

Agencies and A News ISLAMIC WORLD
Published January 23,2025

Laylat al-Miraj, regarded in Islamic faith as the night Prophet Muhammad ascended to Allah, will be observed on Sunday. Known as the "Isra and Miraj miracle," this event is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Isra and Surah Najm. The "Isra event" refers to Prophet Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and the "Miraj event" refers to his journey beyond the heavens.

According to Islamic sources, the "Isra and Miraj" event, which took place a year before the migration from Mecca to Medina, is considered a consolation from Allah for the hardships Prophet Muhammad endured in Mecca.

On this night, the five daily prayers were made obligatory, and the promise of forgiveness for those who do not associate partners with Allah was given. The last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, starting with "Amanar-Rasulu," were revealed. Additionally, Allah conveyed moral and virtuous principles aimed at protecting human life, dignity, and ensuring societal peace.

Muslims are encouraged to pray, recite the Quran, and offer supplications on Miraç Kandili. Those who have prayer debts are advised to perform as many prayers as they can, while those with no prayer debts are encouraged to perform voluntary prayers (nafl), read the Quran, seek forgiveness (istighfar), and make dua.

Ramadan will begin on March 1. After Miraç Kandili on January 26 and Berat Kandili on February 13, the "sultan of eleven months," Ramadan, will begin. The night of Qadr, mentioned in the Quran as "better than a thousand months," will be observed on March 26, and Muslims will celebrate Ramadan Bayram (Eid al-Fitr) on March 30.