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Hot weather triggers varicose veins

"Varicose veins are a chronic disease, and necessary precautions should be taken against their formation, and their treatment should not be postponed. If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to symptoms such as pain and numbness in the legs, and even wounds in the varicose area."

Agencies and A News HEALTH
Published August 17,2023

In a statement from the Turkish Provincial Health Directorate, Kahraman's opinions were included, where he defined varicose veins as the accumulation of blood in the legs due to the malfunction of the valves that functionally return blood to the heart from the veins, especially as a result of the effect of gravity.

Kahraman emphasized that varicose veins significantly affect the patient's quality of life both in terms of cosmetic issues and problems such as pain and numbness. He stated, "Varicose veins are a chronic disease, and necessary precautions should be taken against their formation, and their treatment should not be postponed. If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to symptoms such as pain and numbness in the legs, and even wounds in the varicose area."

Especially during the summer months, Kahraman explained that complaints such as pain, burning, and cramps caused by fluids leaking out of the veins due to relaxation of the veins might increase.


Kahraman mentioned that varicose veins can occur in anyone, regardless of gender, and provided the following information:

"Research shows that half of the population has varicose vein problems. It is more common in women, during periods of hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause, in overweight individuals, in older individuals, in those with chronic cough, in those with constipation problems, in those who sit or stand for long periods, and in those who prefer tight clothing and high heels.

For overweight patients, losing weight, not smoking, avoiding spicy and spicy foods, not wearing high-heeled shoes and tight clothes are important. Since this condition will worsen in hot environments, showers should not be taken with very hot water, environments such as thermal baths, saunas, and hammams should be avoided, and legs should not be exposed to the sun for a long time. One should not stand or sit in one place for a long time. This increases the pooling effect of blood in the lower extremities. As the muscles in the legs work, they act as a pump and direct the blood towards the heart. Therefore, varicose patients are recommended to stay active."

In addition to these recommendations, Dr. Kahraman pointed out that there are medication, varicose stockings, and surgical options in treatment.

Kahraman stated that they have been using open varicose vein surgeries safely and effectively for years, and in addition to this, there are options such as radiofrequency, laser, foam, and adhesive treatments.