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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

Yasemin Koç, a housewife living in the Altınordu district of Türkiye's Ordu, is lovingly raising a lamb she brought home after her mother couldn't breastfeed it.

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

The 49-year-old woman, who had taken one of the twin lambs that her aunt's sheep didn't nurse, began caring for the lamb in her apartment on the third floor of a building in the Şirinevler neighborhood.

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

Yasemin Koç, a mother of two, dresses the lamb in a sweater and socks whenever she takes it outside to keep it protected.

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

Koç's lamb, which she takes for walks and shopping, draws the attention of locals, who often stop to take photos with it.

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

During a visit to her aunt's, Koç learned that the sheep had given birth to twins. She explained, "It wasn't nursing this one, it was nursing the other. I said, 'I'll take care of it for 10-15 days to help it get better.' I liked it, so I took it. I told my husband, and he said, 'If you can take care of it, go ahead.' It's been with us for 10 days now, and it's become a source of joy for us."

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

When Koç brought the lamb home, she first washed it, then put a diaper on it and fed it with a bottle of milk.

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

After washing the lamb, Koç dries it with a hairdryer, saying, "It loves it and feels comfortable. It follows me around like a baby. It doesn't stay away from me without its mother. It thinks I'm its mom."

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

Since the lamb's feet kept slipping on the parquet floor, Koç put socks on it. She said, "I dress it in clothes. I made it a little accessory, decorated it. I love doing things like this."

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home

Koç says she placed a box in a corner of the room for the lamb to sleep in, but the animal wouldn't stay in it. She explained, "It never left us and kept coming to us. I make space for it next to us, and it sleeps there. It doesn't sleep alone."

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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home
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Turkish woman walks around neighborhood with lamb she feeds at home