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Ukraine's Zelensky to visit Spain on Monday: Spanish govt

Published May 27,2024
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky poses prior to an interview with AFP at the Presidential Office in Kyiv, on May 17, 2024. (AFP File Photo)

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is seeking accelerated aid to resist Russia's invasion, will be received by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Spain on Monday, Madrid said.

Sanchez "will receive the president of Ukraine" at noon (1000 GMT), after which they will hold a press conference, the Spanish prime minister's office said in a statement.

The Spanish royal family said in a statement that King Felipe VI will also receive the Ukrainian leader at the palace, which usually happens after seeing the prime minister on state visits.

"Afterwards, King Felipe and Queen Letizia will host a lunch in his honour," it added.

It is Zelensky's first official visit to Spain since he came to power in 2019, and comes more than two years after the Russian invasion of his country.

The Ukrainian president was due to visit Spain in mid-May, according to the Spanish palace, as well as Portugal. But he postponed his trip because of the Russian offensive in northern Ukraine, according to media.

Sanchez told the Spanish parliament on Wednesday that the two countries are preparing to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement.

"We have made decisive progress in our bilateral relations with the Ukrainian government," the Socialist leader said.

"So much so that I can announce to you today that, as soon as the situation on the front allows, we will sign an agreement with Ukraine that will increase economic, social and institutional cooperation between our countries," he added.