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Self-portrait created by artist Max Beckmann during World War Two sells for record 23 mln euros in Germany

After the Nazis branded his paintings "degenerate art", Beckmann and his wife, Mathilde, known as "Quappi", fled Germany in 1937. Waiting in Amsterdam for years for a visa to the United States, Beckmann worked under adverse circumstances. In the portrait, Beckmann departed from his usual dark colours and painted himself wearing a yellow fabric. His distant gaze, meditation-like pose and almost bald head are reminiscent of a Buddhist monk.

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"With this result Grisebach has set an international benchmark for the German art trade and once again made Berlin a venue for world-class auction results," said Bernd Schultz, senior partner at Grisebach. Beckmann, widely viewed as a major modern artist of the last century, painted it while in exile in Amsterdam.