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Ireland says recognition of Palestinian state based on 1967 borders

"When we recognise a state, we don't recognise the government of the day, we recognise the state in terms of a permanent population of people in terms of defined borders, and in this case it's the 1967 borders," Foreign Minister Micheal Martin told RTE radio.

Reuters WORLD
Published May 22,2024

Ireland plans to recognise the Palestinian state based on its 1967 borders, Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said on Wednesday.

"When we recognise a state, we don't recognise the government of the day, we recognise the state in terms of a permanent population of people in terms of defined borders, and in this case it's the 1967 borders," Martin told RTE radio.

That is "a defined territory involving Gaza, the West Bank and ... a capital of both an Israeli state and a Palestinian state in Jerusalem," he said, adding that formal recognition would take place on May 28.