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COP26 to focus on support for poorer nations as second week begins

Published November 08,2021

The COP26 talks are entering their second week with a focus on support for poorer countries to cope with climate change - and the business end of negotiations looming.

The UK government has announced plans to invest almost 300 million pounds helping the most vulnerable countries fight the impacts of rising temperatures.

The move is part of the focus by the UK, as host of the UN climate summit in Glasgow, on supporting developing countries with adapting to climate impacts, and addressing loss and damage caused by rising seas, increasingly intense storms, droughts and wildfires.

International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan will convene a ministerial session with ministers from at least 26 countries and regions, including the US and the European Commission.

Ms Trevelyan, the UK Government's champion for adaptation and resilience at COP26, will urge nations to do more to support developing countries, while announcing a financial pledge from Westminster.

It comes as a report from Christian Aid warns that some of the most vulnerable countries could suffer an average 64 per cent hit to their economy by 2100 under current policies for tackling climate pollution.

Vulnerable countries are pushing for nations to revisit their plans in the next year to close the gap between the action on the table and what is needed this decade to prevent dangerous global warming beyond 1.5 degrees C.

It is one of the issues up for debate as ministers arrive for the political stage of the negotiations, along with finance for poorer countries to develop cleanly and cope with climate impacts, and funding for them to deal with loss and damage.

Ministers need to hammer out the last parts of the Paris Agreement - under which countries agreed in 2015 to limit temperature rises to "well below" 2 degrees C, or 1.5 degrees C to prevent the worst impacts of warming - to make it operational.

On Monday morning countries will meet for a presidency update on the past week and progress of the negotiations.

Over the weekend, campaigners at Greenpeace accused the Saudi Arabian negotiators of trying to block the "cover decision" - a final statement from COP26 that could include a commitment to accelerate action to meet the 1.5-degree-goal - and hold up efforts on adaptation.

As the talks enter their second week, former US president Barack Obama - a veteran of the failed UN climate summit in Copenhagen and the successful meeting in Paris which secured the world's first comprehensive climate treaty - will be at a series of events in Glasgow.

They include a speech laying out the progress made in the five years since the Paris Agreement took effect, highlighting the leadership of young people around the globe, and urging more robust action from governments, the private sector, philanthropy and civil society.

He will also meet young leaders attending COP26 to discuss how their generation is leading the fight against climate change.