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Spy at Britain's Berlin Embassy jailed for selling secrets to Russia

David Smith, a former security guard at the British Embassy in Germany, was motivated by his support for Russian president Vladimir Putin and hatred of the UK when he began collecting classified documents in 2018, a court in London ruled on Friday. He sent two letters to senior officials at the Russian Embassy in 2020, with one exposing the identity of a diplomat who had worked in Russia - referred to as X - as well as details of colleagues.

Published February 17,2023
An ex-security guard at the British Embassy in Berlin has been jailed for more than 13 years for betraying his country and colleagues by selling secrets to Russia.

David Smith, a former security guard at the British Embassy in Germany, was motivated by his support for Russian president Vladimir Putin and hatred of the UK when he began collecting classified documents in 2018, a court in London ruled on Friday.

He sent two letters to senior officials at the Russian Embassy in 2020, with one exposing the identity of a diplomat who had worked in Russia - referred to as X - as well as details of colleagues.

Police launched an investigation after Smith's second letter to a military attaché at the Russian Embassy in November 2020 was traced back to him.

In an undercover sting operation in August 2021, two role players were deployed as a fake Russian defector and intelligence officer.

Following his arrest, police found Smith's stash of sensitive and secret documents, including correspondence to then prime minister Boris Johnson from ministers.

Smith, 58, pleaded guilty to eight charges under Britain's Official Secrets Act by committing an act prejudicial to the safety or interests of the state.

The court was told of "potentially catastrophic'' consequences for "each and every" British official in Berlin.

Embassy staff were left with "feelings of anger, betrayal and upset and concern at the implications of their details being shared with a hostile state actor," the court heard.

Smith's spying could have harmed Britain's international trade negotiations and came at a time the UK was "calling out" Russian actions, including amassing vast numbers of troops on the Ukraine border, the court heard.

Justice Wall dismissed Smith's evidence, including his claim that he only wanted to embarrass the embassy.

The judge ruled that the evidence showed Smith was taking money from Russia as part of an "ongoing" relationship.

He had collected material since 2018 with a view to handing it over "at some stage," the judge found.

Smith may even have been directed by his handler when he filmed private offices, including photographs of colleagues' family and friends on their desks.

In a televised sentencing at the Old Bailey on Friday, ex-RAF serviceman Smith to 13 years and two months.

Previously, the court heard of the meticulous joint operation between British and German police and MI5 that led to Smith's arrest.

On August 5 2021, Smith was asked by an embassy staff member to escort an undercover operative posing as Russian defector "Dmitry" into the building.

Smith made a copy of a document Dmitry had brought and kept Sim card packaging with the defector's phone number on it rather than destroying it as he had been instructed.

Later in his security kiosk, Smith was shown on covert film using a small camera to record about 45 seconds of CCTV capturing Dmitry's visit saying: "If he works at the embassy they will know him."

A few days later, Smith was accosted at a tram stop by fake Russian spy Irina who said somebody was passing on information that was "damaging to Russia."

He appeared sceptical, saying it had been "sprung on me" and he needed to speak to "someone," in an apparent reference to his handler.

In his evidence, Smith said he was now "ashamed" at his behaviour and counted himself as a proud Scot.

He claimed he was angry at his employer, depressed and was drinking seven pints a day after his Ukrainian wife of 20 years returned to her home country.

He admitted being interested in conspiracy theories espoused by Alex Jones' InfoWars and David Icke but denied being pro-Russian or having far-right sympathies.

However, the prosecution pointed out his collection of Russian military memorabilia, including a flag and a large toy Rottweiler, as well as his past support for Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas.