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Pakistan calls for holding Israel accountable for Gaza massacres

In a statement released on Tuesday, Pakistan urged the global community to ensure that Israel is held responsible for its "serious" offenses committed in the Gaza Strip.

Anadolu Agency DIPLOMACY
Published June 11,2024

Pakistan demanded on Tuesday that the international community hold Israel accountable for "grave" crimes in the Gaza Strip, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.

Addressing the Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza international conference in Jordan, Pakistani Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar demanded an "unconditional" cease-fire, lifting of the blockade, provision of urgent humanitarian assistance and protection of Palestinian civilians.

He condemned the ongoing "brutal" military campaign by Israel against Gaza and expressed "deep" concern at the prevailing humanitarian situation, it said.

He also reaffirmed Pakistan's "unwavering" commitment to the right of self-determination of the people of Palestine.

Dar met earlier with UN Secretary General António Guterres on the sidelines of the high-level conference, said a separate statement.

Dar commended Guterres' "leadership" for raising concerns about the situation in Gaza, and he urged him to resolve the lingering Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.