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Xi hosts Putin for official talks in Beijing

Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin for official talks in Beijing. Putin's visit marks his first since starting his fifth term as president and his first to China since October the previous year.

Anadolu Agency DIPLOMACY
Published May 16,2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted his Russian counterpart Vladmir Putin for official talks in Beijing on Thursday.

Xi held a welcoming ceremony for Putin in the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People in the capital, state media reported.

Putin arrived earlier in the day for a two-day state visit.

The visit is his first since beginning his fifth term as president following Russian elections in March.

It is also his first visit to China since October last year, when he attended the 3rd Belt and Road Forum.

In talks following the welcoming ceremony, Xi told Putin that bilateral relations between China and Russia have "weathered storms and stood the test of international changes, establishing a model of mutual respect, frankness, harmony and win-win cooperation between major and neighboring countries."

"The stability and development of China-Russia relations not only serve the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples but also contribute to regional and global peace, stability and prosperity," he said.

"In the new journey ahead, China is willing to continue being a good neighbor, friend and partner with Russia, constantly strengthening the generations-long friendship between the two peoples, jointly achieving the revitalization of each country, and working together to uphold global fairness and justice," he told Putin.

During the visit, Putin and Xi will discuss "the entire range of issues of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction" as well as "identify key directions to further develop bilateral cooperation and exchange views on international and regional issues," according to a statement by the Kremlin.

A joint statement and multiple bilateral documents are expected to be signed as a result of the negotiations that will be held.