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U.S. condemns recruitment of children by SDF/YPG but maintains a partnership with these war criminals

US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed condemnation of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and YPG/PKK for their recruitment of children, following a United Nations report highlighting their use of child soldiers and the kidnapping and killing of children. When asked about possible future actions by the US in response to these actions, Miller refrained from making predictions but emphasized their strong stance against the recruitment and deployment of children in any context.

Agencies and A News ANTI-TERROR FIGHT
Published June 30,2023

The condemnation of the recruitment of children by the SDF/YPG was expressed by US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller. However, when questioned about potential actions by the SDF and the US, no specific comments were made.

Recently, the United Nations released a report highlighting the use of child soldiers by the SDF/YPG and the kidnapping and killing of children by the YPG/PKK. In light of this, TRT News Correspondent Tuna Şanlı sought clarification from the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Pentagon.

State Department Spokesperson Miller unequivocally condemned the abduction and recruitment of children by various organizations, including the Syrian Democratic Forces and YPG/PKK.

Regarding the ongoing partnership between the United States and the SDF, Miller refrained from predicting any specific actions but reiterated the earlier condemnation, emphasizing the strong stance against the recruitment and deployment of children in any context.

Despite the repeated international reports of war crimes committed by the SDF/YPG, the US administration continues its partnership with the group.

Notably, the recruitment of children by the Syrian Democratic Forces YPG/PKK has also been documented in reports by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.