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Russia warns media outlets not to use words 'invasion' and 'assault' to describe Ukraine conflict

Russia's communications regulator on Saturday urged media to remove reports describing Moscow's attack on Ukraine as an "assault, invasion, or declaration of war".

Reuters WORLD
Published February 26,2022

Russia's communications regulator accused 10 local media outlets on Saturday of falsely depicting what Russia calls a special military operation in Ukraine and distributing false information about events there.

Among those sent warning letters were Echo Moskvy, a popular radio station, and Novaya Gazeta, a newspaper critical of the government whose editor-in-chief Dmitry Muratov was awarded a Nobel Peace prize last year.

Roskomnadzor, the regulator, ordered the media to delete the offending information or face restricted access to their websites and media resources.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine last week, saying it needed to demilitarise its neighbour.