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Fauci says reopening U.S. economy too quickly will backfire

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S.'s top infectious disease expert, warned Monday against mass anti-stay-at-home demonstrations, breaking again with President Donald Trump. "If you jump the gun, and go into a situation where you have a big spike you're going to set yourself back, so as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it's going to backfire," he added.

Published April 20,2020

The top infectious-disease expert in the United States has a message for protesters who are ignoring their governors' stay-at-home orders and calling for him to be fired over his guidelines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says the message is "this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics, from the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus."

He added on ABC's "Good Morning America" that "unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not gonna happen. So what you do if you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you're gonna set yourself back."

Fauci says as painful as it is to follow guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening "it's gonna backfire. That's the problem."