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Little Turkish boy returns Israeli-made chips over killings of Gazan children

In a quaint corner of the vibrant market in Mermerdelen, nestled within Türkiye's enchanting Black Sea province of Rize, a curious and determined little boy named Mustafa Topuz embarked on an extraordinary mission. With an innocence that reflected his tender age, he approached the bustling chip stand and politely requested to nullify his previous purchase. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Mustafa had recently stumbled upon the fact that this particular product was sourced from Israel.

Agencies and A News TÜRKIYE
Published November 09,2023
In a bustling market nestled in the scenic Mermerdelen neighbourhood of Türkiye's Black Sea province Rize, an interesting incident unfolded involving a little boy named Mustafa Topuz.

Upon discovering that the packet of chips he had purchased was inadvertently Israeli-made, news which had reached him belatedly through various sources, this conscientious lad resolved to take action.

Displaying maturity uncommon for his age, Mustafa approached the same market where he had made his purchase and boldly beseeched its proprietor to return those crispy morsels in question

Little Mustafa, who entered the market, said, "I'm sorry, I forgot it was Israeli-made. Can I change it?" said. The little boy decided not to accept the chips because he could not ignore the harsh reality that children were being killed in Gaza by Israelis; countless innocent lives were lost without mercy or empathy for their bereaved families left behind.

This act of compassion deeply moved Mustafa when he heard about it and further revealed his own empathy towards this poignant situation.

The owner of the market himself was touched by this child's action as well as Mustafa's compassionate response exclaiming, "He forgot that it was Israeli-made and wanted to change it."

These gestures resonated profoundly with him as they symbolized solidarity against Israel's atrocious acts prompting his admiration and approval for them.

The growing campaign to boycott brands originating from Israel or those supporting its horrendous massacres has gained momentum throughout communities nationwide.

Consumers are progressively removing these products one by one from their shopping lists due to their unwillingness to remain indifferent toward such atrocities committed against innocent lives in Gaza.

Opting for alternative choices has become prevalent among consumers favoring domestic production over corporations associated with Israel's brutal regime.