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Turkish FM Fidan meets chief of Russia’s Security Council

According to a brief statement from the Foreign Ministry, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan visited Moscow on Monday where he had a meeting with Sergey Shoygu, the secretary of Russia's Security Council.

Anadolu Agency DIPLOMACY
Published June 10,2024

Türkiye's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Monday met secretary of Russia's Security Council Sergey Shoygu in Moscow, the Foreign Ministry said in a brief statement.

Further details were not provided officially but Turkish diplomatic sources said Fidan and Shoygu, a former defense minister, discussed the situation in Gaza, Syria and ongoing negotiations for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The duo also discussed developments in Ukraine, the sources added.

Earlier the day, Fidan met a delegation of Ahiska Turks in the capital. He is in Russia to attend a two-day meeting of the BRICS bloc of emerging economies.

The session marks the first gathering since the group expanded from five members to nine in January with the addition of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates as official members.

Another 15 countries, including Türkiye, were also invited to the expanded format of the meeting.