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Trudeau extends warm Eid al-Adha greetings to Canadian and World Muslims

In his message, Trudeau acknowledged the celebration of Eid-al-Adha by Muslims in Canada and worldwide. He highlighted the significance of this holy occasion, which commemorates Prophet Abraham's obedience and sacrifice. Trudeau noted the importance of prayers, as well as the act of coming together to support and provide food to those in need.

Agencies and A News AMERICAS
Published June 28,2023

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a message on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Trudeau's comments highlighted the significance of Eid-al-Adha for Muslims in Canada and worldwide.

He acknowledged the commemoration of Prophet Abraham's obedience and sacrifice, emphasizing the act of prayer and coming together with family and friends.

Trudeau praised the values of sacrifice, compassion, and philanthropy that are demonstrated by Muslim communities in Canada on a daily basis.

In his message, Trudeau stressed the importance of allowing everyone in Canada and the world to practice their faith freely, without fear. He reaffirmed his commitment to standing against all forms of Islamophobia and hatred.

Trudeau expressed his belief that by working together, a safe and respectful Canada can be built for all individuals.

With a belief in building a Canada where everyone feels safe and respected, Trudeau extended his wishes for a wonderful Eid-al-Adha to all.

He concluded his message with "Eid Mubarak!" and the phrase "!عيد مبارك'" (Bayram Mubarak) in Arabic, which he shared through a video on his social media account.