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"Israeled" word -- meaning "extorted" -- added to Urban Dictionary entries

Urban Dictionary, a beloved online resource for word enthusiasts, has recently included "Israeled" in its lexicon. According to the entry, this term refers to the act of appropriating something that rightfully belongs to another individual. According to the definition, the term applies when you are asked to share your belongings but then encounter resistance from the other person trying to exclude you.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published December 26,2023

The popular online dictionary Urban Dictionary has added the word "Israeled" to its entries. The definition in the dictionary describes it as claiming something that belongs to someone else as one's own.

In the definition, it is stated that the term can be used when someone asks you to share something that belongs to you and then fights with you to exclude you.

"Someone wanted to share my table at a restaurant. I allowed it. After a while, they kicked me out of the table because they had a meeting. So, I got Israeled," one user said in his entry.

The screenshot of the new definition was shared on the Twitter account of a user named Sarah Wilkinson, receiving over 41,000 views already.

Urban Dictionary is a website established in 1999, featuring definitions that often revolve around everyday language uses not found in formal dictionaries. Therefore, the site is frequently visited by those interested in popular culture, internet culture, slang, and jargon.

Here are some entries published on Urban Dictionary:

"When someone asks you to share something of yours and then fight you to get you out of it. And tell everyone you took it from them. In a restaurant, someone asked to share my table. I agreed. After a moment, he asked me to leave because he had a meeting! I've been israeled."

"When a person tells you that your property is theirs (when it obviously isn't), and demands you just give this property to them, and if you refuse, they take it by force and the law will somehow be on the their (israeling) side. You've been israeled. He israeled my place."

"The act of taking something that is not yours and then kicking out the rightful owner. Someone asked to share my table at a restaurant, and then asked me to leave the table because they had a meeting! Looks like you just got israeled."