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Catholic Church probes abuse allegations against late German cardinal

Published September 19,2023
The Catholic Church in Germany is investigating allegations of sexual abuse by late cardinal Franz Hengsbach over 30 years after his death.

The diocese in Essen and the archdiocese of Paderborn announced the investigation on Tuesday in separate press releases.

Hengsbach founded the Ruhr diocese in western Germany in 1958 and led it until his death in 1991. Before that, he was auxiliary bishop in the German city of Paderborn.

If the accusations prove true, Hengsbach would be the first high-ranking Catholic clergyman to be found guilty of abuse.

The diocese of Essen called the allegations "serious."

Other possible victims should contact the independent contact persons in the diocese, it said.

One case concerns the alleged abuse of a 16-year-old in 1954 in the archdiocese of Paderborn during Hengsbach's time as auxiliary bishop.

A second case concerns alleged sexual assault by the bishop in the Essen diocese in 1967, as reported by a person who wishes to remain anonymous in October 2022.

Hengsbach, who was appointed cardinal in 1988, was one of Germany's best-known clergymen. He was co-founder of the episcopal relief organization Adveniat and served as ordinariate for the German military for more than 17 years.