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CIA agent reveals UFO detail in JFK assassination documents

Recently declassified documents related to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy shed light on a surprising incident: A 1955 telegram from the U.S. Air Force revealed the testimonies of three American observers who claimed to have witnessed 'flying saucers' over the Soviet Union. According to the documents, a CIA official reported that military personnel had also witnessed the vertical takeoff of two circular aircraft resembling flying saucers. This incident further fueled the UFO frenzy in the United States.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published July 25,2023

The recently declassified files related to the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, consisting of over 1,100 documents, revealed excerpts from a telegram describing the extraordinary sighting of "unusual flying vehicles resembling flying discs or flying saucers" witnessed by American officials during a trip to the Soviet Union. The witnesses stated that the aircraft had taken off almost vertically, emitting sparks around it, and had displayed unusual spinning movements.

The inclusion of "flying saucers" in Kennedy's assassination documents coincided with recent congressional hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, and the testimonies of several witnesses claiming firsthand knowledge of UFO encounters.

He had visited the Soviet Union in 1955.

According to the newly edited documents, one of the observers present during the visit to the Soviet Union in 1955 was a former CIA agent Rueben Efron, whose name had previously been hidden from all other records. Efron traveled with Senator Richard Russell (D-GA) and Lieutenant Colonel E. U. Hathaway on October 5, 1955, between Atjaty and Adzhijabu in the Soviet Union.

While the purpose of Efron's visits remains unclear, the mysterious flying saucer added a mysterious dimension to his travels.

The official document highlights that the observation was made by "three reliable American observers" who witnessed the flying saucer-shaped aircraft slowly ascending to an approximate altitude of 2,000 kilometers before accelerating in a northward direction. The witnesses also reported seeing two projectors in the vicinity.

Soviet personnel prevented passengers from looking out of the windows.

Interestingly, the Soviet personnel on the train, including Efron and the other two officials, had visibly became nervous and closed the curtains of the train in a noticeable manner after the observation. They did not allow passengers to look out of the windows after the sighting. The American observers were certain that the unusual aircraft they witnessed were flying saucers or disc-shaped aircraft.

After the encounter, the three American observers traveled to Prague and met with Air Attaché Major Thomas S. Ryan at the U.S. Embassy. News of the incident eventually reached the U.S., but Senator Russell refrained from making it public at that time. However, Senator Russell's later involvement in the Warren Commission, tasked with investigating President Kennedy's assassination, added an intriguing layer of connection between the UFO observation and the events surrounding JFK's death.

On the other hand, recent UFO disclosures and Congress' focus on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena brought more attention to the name of CIA agent Rueben Efron, who is claimed to have monitored Lee Harvey Oswald's mail correspondence. Efron's presence in the declassified documents highlighted that Oswald had been on the radar of the U.S. government for some time.

As the United States grapples with the mysteries of UFO sightings and the possible government knowledge of such phenomena, Congress' hearings continue. With credible witnesses like Air Force and intelligence veteran David Grusch coming forward to share claims about an illegal UFO crash retrieval program, discussions about UFOs and potential extraterrestrial origins have reached new dimensions.

The Pentagon established a UFO unit.

The United States' military cameras capturing footage of unidentified objects have prompted authorities to take action. The U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) announced the establishment of a UFO unit in 2021. The project, known as "Airborne," is designed to detect flying objects. Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks stated that Airborne was performing "detection, identification, and characterization" of these objects.

Last year, the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report on UFOs. The report examined aerial events observed between 2004 and 2021. According to the report, 144 observations were identified from sources affiliated with the U.S. government, and among them, 80 were tracked through multiple sensors.