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Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge Hunter's estranged daughter

Conservatives are voicing their disapproval of President Joe Biden after reports emerged suggesting that his aides have been directed to publicly recognize only six grandchildren, excluding Hunter Biden's 4-year-old daughter. The decision not to acknowledge the seventh grandchild has drawn criticism from conservatives, who view it as an unfair exclusion.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published July 02,2023
Conservatives are expressing criticism towards President Joe Biden following reports that his aides have been instructed to publicly acknowledge only six grandchildren, excluding Hunter Biden's 4-year-old daughter.

The president's son recently settled a child support case, concluding a long-standing paternity dispute. The New York Times published an article delving into the family disagreement, highlighting the involvement of money, politics, and the implications of the Biden family legacy.

According to sources, discussions within the White House have centered around presenting the president and first lady as having six grandchildren instead of seven.

Some conservatives find this omission concerning, particularly as speculation surrounding Hunter's business dealings and the upcoming 2024 re-election campaign intensifies.

In recent events, President Biden has shown a more public embrace of his son and grandson, bringing them to Camp David over consecutive weekends.

Last month, Hunter Biden reached a plea agreement with the Justice Department regarding tax violations and a felony gun charge. The reaction from conservatives on Twitter has been critical, deeming the alleged exclusion of the granddaughter as "gross" and "sad."