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Donald Trump surprised by son's subpoena in Russia probe

US President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was "very surprised" by a Senate panel's order that his son Donald Trump Jr testify as part of its investigation into Russia election interference. "I was very surprised," Trump told reporters. "My son is a very good person, works very hard."

Published May 09,2019

U.S. President Donald Trump says he's "very surprised" that the Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed his eldest son.

Trump spoke Thursday after the Associated Press and other news outlets reported the panel is calling in Donald Trump Jr. to answer questions about his 2017 testimony to the panel as part of its probe into Russian election interference.

Trump called his son a "very good person," adding that the "last thing he needs is Washington DC." Trump also said he had already testified for a "massive amount of time."

The president also said he would leave the issue of whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller should testify up to Attorney General William Barr. Trump last week said that it was Barr's call, but later declared on Twitter that Mueller should not testify.