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06.25.2017 00:00
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UN: Over 200,000 people suffer from cholera

According to the UN agencies report on saturday, the number of suspected cholera cases in war torn Yemen has climbed above 200,000.

UNİCEF Director Anthony Lake and World Health Organization Chief Margaret Chan said in a joint statement that, "We are now facing the worst cholera outbreak in the world," with an average of 5,000 new cases every day.

The cholera outbreak is spreading rapidly, has killed more than 1,300 people already, a quarter of whom are children.

The U.N. agency chiefs added that the deadly cholera outbreak is the direct consequence of two years of heavy conflict, pointing to destroyed health, water and sanitation systems.

Malnutrition played a crucial role in adding to the wide spread of diseases as it made children vulnerable to infections, also an estimate of 30,000 local health workers have not been paid for nearly 10 months.