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Mysterious beach object identified as space debris

The Australian Space Agency has made an official statement confirming that the large cylinder found near Green Head, north of Perth, Western Australia, is highly likely to be a component of an Indian rocket.

Agencies and A News TECH
Published August 01,2023

The Australian Space Agency has officially identified the large cylinder discovered near Green Head, north of Perth, Western Australia, as most likely being a component of an Indian rocket.

The cylinder, standing at approximately 2.5 meters tall and constructed from a partially gold-coloured woven material, was found in early July in the vicinity of Green Head, around 250 kilometres north of Perth.

Initially, there were speculations that it could have been part of a downed aircraft. However, following a thorough investigation, the space agency has confirmed that it is more likely to be a used component from a polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) operated by the Indian Space Research Organization.

The Indian Space Research Organization has been actively engaged in space missions in recent months, with its latest satellite launch successfully completed on a recent Sunday.