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Macron wants to counter polarization following riots

Published July 21,2023

French President Emmanuel Macron wants to work against a potential split in the country, he said on Friday, following recent riots after a youth was killed by police during a traffic check in suburban Paris.

"We have to provide profound answers to the unrest," Macron said, addressing the government. "We see clearly from the crises that there is a risk of a deep fragmentation, deep division of the nation."

He said there was a need for authority, respect and confidence and announced that he would continue to stand alongside the mayors whose town halls, schools or sports halls had been damaged.

Macron also said he would stand by the forces of law and order to ensure that calm continues. Residents with immigrant backgrounds and people of colour have often complained that they are treated differently than their white compatriots in France.

At the end of June, 17-year-old Nahel M of North African decent was killed by a policeman's gunshot during a traffic check near Paris. Afterwards, heavy riots shook France for nights on end. There were repeated lootings, arson attacks and violent confrontations between police officers and rioters. The riots have subsided in the meantime.

French insurers estimate that damages from the riots at about €650 million ($722 million). The officer who fired the fatal shot at the youth is being investigated on suspicion of manslaughter.