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PKK, bloody terrorist organization, admits its own collapse

The colapse and rapid great loss of the terrorist organisation PKK has been determined by the Turkish Armed Forces(TSK) and National and International Police operations over  radio trasmission intelligence (Walky Talky) conversations of the terrorist organisation PKK itself.

Published November 01,2017

Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) along side National and International police investigations and operations nationaly and internationaly have succeeded in finding Walky Talky(radio transmission) conversations of PKK terrorists admitting to there severe losses and collapse of the terrorist organisation PKK. Evidence of the conversations as to losses due to increasing atempted failed opperations, losses during atempted acts of terrorism,losses in different cities, weaknesses in control and the psychological collapse of terrorists within the terrorist organisation PKK, Weaknesses in Carcella,Kato,Herekol and Zap have been admitted over Walky Talky(radio transmission) conversations between themselves.

The last blow on the terrorist organisation PKK was in Northern Iraq's Kokozer mountain region were the terrorists had seeped through to the Turkish Armed Forces and put aloft the Turkish Flag on Northern Iraq's Kokozer mountain. This caused a great outbreak between high ranked terrorists within the organisation. Terrorists spoke of the anxiety and worry they felt due to the Turkish Armed Forces heavy blow in Diyarbakir on the Organisation. The Walky Talky (radio transmission)conversation continued to go on regarding there greatest loss being in Mardin where Salih Kaplan and Hatice Tanham higher ranked terrorists and other terrorists within the PKK organization died.To avoid the colapse of the organisation they said they would need to consentrate on YPS.

The radio transmission conversations also included that the planned movements of terrorists to the Aegean regions of Turkey had been stopped by Turkish Armed Forces and had caused a state of shock. Six collaborators and organizers of the PKK moving to the Aegean-Mediterranean region were caught. Terrorists have lost motivation and many members of the organisation ramaining are being forced and threatened as methods of persuasion to continue in their acts of terrorism.