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Ceremonial keşkek tradition: A social practice of solidarity in Turkey

The ceremonial meal where groups of men and women all work together cooking wheat and meat in large cauldrons over an open fire is called "keşkek", and the rituals that accompany the meal are called the Ceremonial Keşkek Tradition.

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Although the Ceremonial Keşkek Tradition is performed throughout Turkey, it is in provinces likeYozgat, Çorum, Çankırı, Amasya, Sinop, Adana, Erzincan, Tokat, Tekirdağ, Aydın, Muş, Muğla, Uşak, Sivas, Kırşehir, İzmir, Uşak, Antalya, Afyonkarahisar and Kastamonu, that the traditional rules and rituals of the ceremony are regularly performed.